Good corporate governance as a foundation
Good corporate governance provides the basis for creating a trusting relationship with shareholders, employees and other stakeholders in the Group’s operating environment. Corporate governance is also intended to ensure that Nobina is managed responsibly, sustainably and that this takes place in accordance with prevailing laws, other regulations and provisions and good practice that apply to Nobina’s operations.

Corporate governance focuses on how to govern, manage and control operations with the aim of creating value for the company’s shareholders, but also for customers and society. Corporate governance is to create the preconditions for active, responsible corporate bodies, to clarify the allocation of roles and responsibilities and to ensure that information and reporting relating to the company is fair and accurate. Corporate governance at Nobina is based on both external and internal regulations and values.
External regulations
- Swedish Companies Act
- Swedish Annual Accounts Act
- International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
- Other relevant laws
Internal regulations
- The Board’s Rules of Procedure
- The Board’s instructions for the CEO
- Control parameters through policies, instructions
and guidelines
The below illustration shows how Nobina is organised and governed. Navigating the main menu, you can read more about the various functions and units. Here you can also have a closer look at the picture.