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  5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Consolidated cash flow statement

The multi-year overview is updated shortly after each reporting date. Complete financial reports are available in the Reports and Presentations-section.

Cash flow from operations Profit/loss after financial items8765343993853553552
(of which from continuing operations)8765343993953553552
(of which from discontinued operations)----10---
Adjustment for non-cash items178814171340890764824864
Cash flow from changes in working capital266419511739127511191179866
(of which from continuing operations)266419511739128511191179866
(of which from discontinued operations)----10---
Cash flow from changes in working capital
Change in inventories-71-12-64-23
Changes in operating receivables-265-181118-115-53-41-32
Changes in operating liabilities126379-302199579711
Cash flow from operations-146199-19678854-18
(of which from continuing operations)-146199-196788
(of which from discontinued operations)-----
Received interest income02---112
Tax paid-13-5--5-6--
Cash flow from operations250521471543134811201234850
(of which from continuing operations)250521471543135811201234850
(of which from discontinued operations)----10---
Cash flow from investing activities
Changes in restricted cash-----2490
Investments in intangible and tangible non-current assets excluding financial leasing-1335-1458-1527-1107-176-290-193
Divestment of intangible and tangible non-current assets851853406216035
Sales of subsidiary---46---
Cash flow from investing activities-1363-1542-1521-1542-114-106-68
(of which from continuing operations)-1363-1542-1481-1588-114-106-68
(of which from discontinued operations)---46---
Cash flow from financing activities
Repayment by instalment of operational and financial leasing liability-557-607-666-660-653-667-628
Redemption of bons and other external loans-628-458-386-79-44-39-577
Payment of newly issued shares------850
New issue of shares to senior executive ------1
New borrowing, other external loans114213928601766464109
Financing costs for new loans0-1--7---49
Repurchase of shares---60-74---
Interest paid-168-171-192-132-133-142-254
Accelerated final settlement of share saving scheme-198
Cash flow from financing activities-734155-775518-1100-1014-548
(of which from continuing operations)-734155-775518-1100-1014-548
(of which from discontinued operations)-------
Cash flow for the period408760-753324-94114234
(of which from continuing operations)408760-753288-61114234
(of which from discontinued operations)---36-33--
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of period10493071058720804683453
Cash flow for the period408760-753324-94114234
Exchange rate difference25-18214107-4
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period148210493071058720804683

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