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  5. Göteborgs buss

Göteborgs buss

Göteborgs Buss has a strong position in western Sweden and is the leading player in special passenger transport in the west, specialising in transport services, medical trips and school transport.

Nobina acquired Göteborgs Buss in 2020. Göteborgs Buss has a strong position in Western Sweden together with local expertise and solid quality work that permeates the business. Göteborgs Buss comprises an operation of approximately 320 vehicles and 340 employees in tendered special passenger transport with a focus on transport services, medical trips and school transport.

Contact and management

Göteborgs Buss AB

Visiting address:
Holmvägen 56
417 46 Gothenburg

Telephone: 031-65 42 00

Website: goteborgsbuss.se

Business Area Manager West, also CEO of Göteborgs Buss:

Peter Olsson

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