Sustainability goals and outcome
Long-term and enduring profitable growth is central in securing the necessary resources to continue to invest in the business and to contribute to sustainable development of society. Nobina’s long-term sustainability goals and key metrics are designed to meet both market demands and changes in society.
Strategic goals
- Maximise positive effect on environment, travellers and society
- Enable our employees to deliver on Nobina’s traveller promise with pride
Maximise positive effect on environment, travellers and society
Green drivers
The proportion of drivers using eco- driving is to amount to 90 percent.
Outcome 2023/24 69%
Fuel consumption
No later than 2030, 100 percent of Nobina’s total fuel consumption is to consist of renewable fuel.
Outcome 2023/24 79%
At least 95 percent of Nobina’s suppliers are to have signed our Code of Conduct.
Nobina has updated its Code of Conduct for suppliers and is working on its implementation. The outcome will therefore be updated in the next financial year.
Carbon dioxide emissions
A reduction of at least 50 percent in Well-to-Wheel emissions per passenger kilometre compared with 2019/2020.
Outcome 2023/24 +4%
Enable our employees to deliver on Nobina’s traveller promise with pride
Share of female managers
At least 40 percent of our managers should be women by 2027/28.
Outcome 2023/24 28%
Share of female drivers
At least 40 percent of our drivers should be women by 2032/33.
Outcome 2023/24 10%
Short-term sick leave
Short-term sick leave in the Group should decrease every year and in the longer term be below 2.1 percent.
Outcome 2023/24 3.6%