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  5. Towards the goal of 100-percent electric buses in...

Full speed towards the goal of 100-percent electric buses in Denmark by 2030

In Denmark, Nobina has accelerated to full speed and gone from zero to 100 electric buses in three years. Close dialogue is also under way with the clients about opportunities to increase the service life of electric buses, as another step in the green transition.

In contrast to the rest of the Nordic region, diesel buses were predominant in Denmark until 2019. Since then, the pace of progress has accelerated following clear political decisions to shift to electric power, with Denmark skipping over the biofuel phase and moving straight to electrification.

Nobina Denmark is one operator that is at the forefront, going from zero to 100 electric buses in three years, which is one third of the company’s bus fleet in Denmark. The transition is continuing at the same pace as we move forward with another 100 electric buses over the next three years, with the aim that all buses will be electric by 2030 in line with new tender requirements.

Nobina was also a pioneer in Denmark when it trialled hydrogen fuel. In 2018, the choice moving forward remained undecided between electric, hydrogen or perhaps some other alternative. As part of a tender at that time, Nobina offered to operate the first hydrogen bus in regular service near Copenhagen, which it did for two years.

Even if the transition is necessary and obvious, it requires significantly higher investments, which impacts both Nobina Denmark and clients. Nobina Denmark is therefore reviewing different models for how electric buses can be refurbished and upgraded to be operated for much longer, and in parallel the company is in close dialogue with clients about what is required in contracts and requirements to make the life cycle of electric buses more comparable with trains or trams in the future.

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